Midtown & The Highlands     Click directly on the map markers or scroll down and click on the table below the map.
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Neighborhood Info

This map shows street art, murals, and graffiti in the Midtown, Virginia Highland, and Poncey Highland neighborhoods of Atlanta.  Midtown is Atlanta’s center of arts, culture, and education. Midtown is home to the Woodruff Arts Center which comprises the Alliance Theatre, Symphony Hall, and The High Museum of Art. Other arts organizations found in Midtown are the Ferst center for the arts, Museum of Design Atlanta, the Fabulous Fox Theatre, and the Center for Puppetry Arts.  The Atlanta Botanical Gardens, Piedmont Park and The Margaret Mitchell House are other attractions in the Midtown area. The neighborhood is also a major business center boasting many of Atlanta’s iconic high-rise buildings.

Originally established as a northern suburb along Atlanta’s streetcar line, Virginia Highland is now an upscale, affluent, hip and trendy in-town neighborhood.  VA-HI features vibrant nightlife and a wide variety of restaurants and bars. The locals can be found sipping fancy cocktails or premium coffee in the many upscale cafés or eating brunch in neighborhood fixtures such as Murphy’s.  Virginia Highland also is home to many top-end specialty shops such as Highland Woodworking.

Poncey Highland is Virginia Highland’s southern neighbor.  Poncey highlands is in some ways kinda like Virginia Highland except crank down the affluence, crank up the quirkyness and toss in a couple of tatoo parlors.  Where else other than Poncey Highland would the local Kroger be referred to as the “murder Kroger”?  Poncy Highland is also home to Atlanta landmarks such as the Majestic Diner and the Cleremont Lounge (I’ll let you Google that one for yourself).

Street Art in the Neighborhood

Much of the street art in Midtown and the Highlands is on and around the Atlanta Beltline which forms the border between Midtown and the Highlands. If you have some extra time, you can explore BeltLine murals beyond Midtown on the BeltLine Eastside Trail Map. Don’t overlook several large scale murals the western edge of Midtown. Also Ponce de Leon Ave. is another great place to find murals. As always, the map will take you to see all of the street art.


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