BeltLine Eastside Trail Walking Tour    The red line is your street art tour route. Click directly on the map markers or scroll down and click on the table below the map.
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This map will take you on a 3.1 mile long self-guided street art walking tour of part of the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail.  You will also see murals in the surrounding neighborhoods.  The red line is your tour route.  Please note that this tour does not end near the starting point. The table below the map is arranged in order according to your tour route. The tour starts in Atlanta’s Midtown neighborhood and continues through Old Fourth Ward, Inman park, Cabbagetown and Reynoldstown.  Also check out the other street art walking tours offered on this website.

The Atlanta BeltLine is the largest urban redevelopment project in the history of Atlanta and one of the largest in the entire United States.  When completed, the Atlanta BeltLine will convert 22 miles of abandoned railroad right of way into a network of multi-use trails circling the city of Atlanta and connecting 45 diverse neighborhoods.  Currently two portions of the trail are complete, the Eastside and Westside trails.

Street Art in the Neighborhood

The Art on the Atlanta BeltLine organization has sponsored local artists to create murals and art installations transforming the BeltLine into the largest outdoor art and sculpture park in the southeastern US.  But the juried art located on the BeltLine is just the beginning.  The neighborhoods that host the BeltLine are also rich sources of art and culture.  This map will show you the street art on the BeltLine and in the neighborhoods within a short walk of the BeltLine.  This map focuses on murals.  The Art on the Atlanta BeltLine website has an interactive map that will show you the sculptural installations in addition to the street art and murals.


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