Neighborhood Maps
Explore the street art, murals and graffiti in one of the above Atlanta neighborhoods:
You can choose from eighteen different areas of Atlanta. Sometimes a map covering several neighborhoods, might be named for only the most centrally located, or largest one. Maps with a yellow “Walking Tour” arrow offer self-guided street art walking tours. Visit the Tours page of this website for descriptions of each of the walking tours. The “All Locations” map shows every single street art mural in the city in one map. Please be aware that the “All Locations” map takes several seconds to load.
The following paragraphs summarize a few of the street art highlights of some of the neighborhoods:
The Atlanta BeltLine is the largest outdoor art park in the Southeastern US. In addition to street art, Buford Highway features Atlanta’s finest ethnic food from several cultures. Would you like to see a solid half mile of nothing but murals. Well, that’s exactly what you’ll find in Cabbagetown. Kirkwood (on the Decatur map) has several under-bridge murals along DeKalb Ave. Also, Kirkwood is home to the Pullman Yards complex with several container murals. OuterSpace Project has added several artworks to East Atlanta’s collection. Don’t miss the jaw-dropping photorealistic mural by Jeks NC in Little Five Points.
In addition to great street art (such as the anamorphic mural by Cinta Vidal), Midtown boasts several museums and other arts institutions. Examples include the High Museum of Art, Atlanta Botanical Garden, and Museum of Design Atlanta. Pittsburgh isn’t just a city in western Pennsylvania, it’s also a neighborhood in Atlanta. It features a 600 foot long mural wall at the MET complex and a 700 foot long mural by Gilbert Young. The West End neighborhood features murals with inspirational and socially conscious messages. West End also has a wide selection of graffiti pieces sponsored by the Atlanta Style Writers Jam.